Amazon Seller Fulfilled Prime Software

Streamline orders and fulfillment with Jazva’s Amazon SFP integration.

Amazon Seller Fulfilled PrimePowerful Automation for Amazon Sellers

  Seller Fulfilled Prime Partner

As an approved SFP integrator, Jazva automatically identifies and expedites Prime orders within your shipping queue.

  Carrier-Rate Shopping

Jazva automatically selects the most cost-effective mail class and shipping methods for each of your parcels.

  Smart Order Management

Centralize orders and returns from all your channels and prioritize the right orders for faster fulfillment and happier customers.

Scale Your Amazon Business

Make your job easier by streamlining and automating your entire operations.

  • Easily import, sync and list products on Amazon.
  • Beat competition and boost sales on Amazon.
  • Sync inventory, orders, returns and refunds.
  • Print pick lists, packing slips and shipping labels directly from Jazva.
Jazva's robust functionalities grew our online sales by 300%. It also freed us to promote and manage things we previously didn't pay attention to.

Esbenshade's Garden Centers -Esbenshade's Garden Centers

Jazva saved us an estimated $20K per year by reducing errors in inventory tracking and order fulfillment.

Function & Form -Function & Form Autolife

Take the Next Step to eCommerce Excellence

Free Consultation
Accelerate Your Amazon Operations

   Generate Pick Lists & Packing Slips

Customize your batch priorities and generate easy-to-read pick lists and packing slips to maximize the efficiency of your warehouse team.

   Wireless Label Printing

Jazva’s built-in wireless printing options make it easy for your warehouse team to print labels efficiently.

   Batch Processing & Barcode Scanning

Batch orders in bulk and use our barcode scanning technology to get shipments out quickly and accurately.

   Split and Partial Shipments

Have total visibility of your packages when you ship portions of the order in staggered shipments and multiple addresses.

Ready to Scale Your Business?

Discover the power of intelligent automation. Schedule your live demo today!